Welcome to my Website! I want to put a lot of cute lizard and lizard friends here and teach you some things about my favorites

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Hello everyone! I'm Herby! I really really love lizards and things I call lizards that are not lizards :3

There are some things most people don't consider lizards that I call lizards such as slugs, eels, scorpions, some fish, crustaceans, and other things I find cute on a case by case basis :) (I am aware they are not lizards, but they are so cute and fill me with joy and happiness just like lizards do!)

Here is a banana frog!:

Banana frogs are also known by the scientific name Afrixalus!

Here is an alligator turtle!:

Alligator Turtles weigh on average between 19 and 180 pounds, with a median around 30, but some have been discovered up to 403 pounds!

Scorpion and Buggy Section! Some people might be spooked of the following ones and thats okay this is here as a seperator to let people who don't like looking at scorpions and bugs that there are those after this message

Here is a vinegaroon!:

Vinegaroons spray a vinegar-like acid when angry, hence the name! Despite that, they are actually very mild mannered little friends that don't mind climbing on and just hanging out with you! :)

Thank you to Lobokoni for introducing me to Neocities! : Lobokoni's Page .